The overall mission of the IAEMGS is to generate and communicate globally scientific information based upon current research and best scientific practice. This information will enable the Association to:
Develop an understanding of the mutational basis of human disease, environmental effects, and human risk for genetic-related disease resulting from induced mutational events;
Promote science-based risk assessment activities and regulatory policies on issues of environmental and human health;
Facilitate international agreement on acceptable methodologies and technologies in these fields;
Provide education and training to scientists towards these ends, and promote informed public awareness on issues of the mutational basis of human disease and risk;
Promote collaborative research at the international level on the mutational basis of human disease, new methodologies and technologies in the field and the application of new information to the risk assessment process.
The Association will accomplish its goals through the promotion and sustained activities of international working groups that to organize international conferences to bring together communities of scientists for the dissemination of research findings,
provide active training programs to expand the scientific community engaged in research on the mutational basis of human disease, and by supporting international collaborative research.